
The success of INES researchers depends on a wide array of unique and unusual research facilities.

INES-Operated Facilities

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UW Nuclear Reactor (UWNR)

The University of Wisconsin operates a 1 MW TRIGA reactor with both in-core irradiation facilities and beam ports.  The UW Nuclear Reactor (UWNR) has provided a platform for experiments in supercritical water radiolysis, novel sensor development, and benchmark data for nuclear heating, among others.

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Ion Beam Lab (IBL)

The Ion Beam Laboratory (IBL) at the University of Wisconsin, Madison houses a NEC 1.7 MV tandem accelerator. The accelerator is actively used for research aimed at advancing the science of radiation damage of materials including alloys, ceramics, and coatings. The accelerator is equipped with TORVIS and SNICS ion sources for enhanced capabilities and the samples temperature is monitored by thermocouples and IR camera. The system can presently accommodate two types of sample geometries: 3 mm TEM samples and bar samples; with irradiation area between 1.45 and 2.3 sq. cm. the facility is continually improved to meet the research needs of the scientific community involved in research on radiation damage of materials and other fundamental materials science research areas involving ion irradiation

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Characterization Laboratory for Irradiated Material (CLIM)

CLIM provides specialized sample preparation and characterization facilities for post-irradiation examination of irradiated radioactive materials and uranium fuels. The laboratory is equipped with negative-pressure boxes, fume hoods, and polishing equipment for sample preparation, and scanning electron microscope (SEM) for examination of radioactively hot samples. CLIM is an NSUF facility and we encourage collaborations with other universities and institutions for the use of this facility through the NSUF proposal process.

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Thermal-Hydraulics Laboratory

UW Facilities not operated by INES

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Center for High Throughput Computing (CHTC)

The Center for High Throughput Computing (CHTC) supports a variety scalable computing resources and services for UW-affiliated researchers and their collaborators, including high-throughput computing (HTC) and, tightly-couple computations (e.g. message passing interface, or “MPI”), high-memory, and GPUs. CHTC compute systems and personnel are funded by the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, the Department of Energy (DOE), the National Science Foundation (NSF), the Morgridge Institute for Research, and various grants from the university.

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